Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Put a camera in a crowd, and people will pose

Last Saturday in Tucson was club crawl. This twice annual event draws thousands of local Tucsonans to Downtown Tucson and Forth Avenue. Since the city of Tucson is normally not quitethis busy, I decided to photograph the downtown area and the activity  that was present during this evening. To my surprise many people actually posed when they saw my camera. It goes to show: if you are taking pictures of a crowd, especially late at night, expect to be amazed at just how many people will pose for your camera, many times unexpectedly.

These people are random; I know none of them. I don't know if they were drunk or just wanted their picture taken in hopes that it would appea on the internet, but none the less when they saw my camera, they decided to make a quick pose for a photo.
In this photo, taken on the bridge above the 4th avenue underpass, these girls responded to my camera by making an immediate pose.

This guy was trying to dance for me, and hoped I could capture his dance moves. Unfortunately I only had a still camera.
Those are firecrackers being lit off in a parking space on Congress. Goes to show anything can and does happen in Downtown Tucson. I put these two together because the guys in the top picture were the ones lighting off the firecrackers, even though they weren't posing for this shot.
This was the line  to get into club crawl from congress street.
This women saw me taking a picture and insisted on getting her pose in.

Even a local street person got in on this one. This guys sign includes everything that possibly could be of relevance.
I don't know what the guy in the checkered shirt is doing.

Everyone was getting into it. Even the guy who brought his mom. Or at least I think its his mom.
I didn't even notice these ones until I reviewed my shots from the night. Some outfits they're wearing though.
This one, nobody is posing, but I just liked the way it came out. This one helped me on a class project.
The poster that the guy on the right is holding says "Don't say shit." I am going to follow that advice, and let the picture do the talking for me.
This woman's sign (though not visible in this picture) says "homeless. Please help." This is a prime example of why you can't believe everything you read. I mean does she look homeless to you? I tried to get her from the front side, but she was too fast, but she certianly didn't look hungry. Yea, its true that many homeless people look normal, but even so, I doubt she is actually desperate.
More posers. This one didn't come out as good as some of the other ones, but it still is an interesting pose.
Another pose. This one is pretty normal.
This was probably my favorite pose of the night.

These posers were all in a row, so they all were taken at the same location.

Looks like the homeless AZ veteran has moved to a new spot.

The last posers of the night. Hope you enjoyed the photography show.

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